
This web is rendered into static content using Hugo from plain Markdown files, which means that you do not need anything special to contribute beyond a plain text editor. However, some tools may facilitate the process.

Local previsualization

Hugo may be used to render and previsualize the result locally. According to the theme provider, at least Hugo v0.49 is needed. However, even if you chose to contribute a .md document, the R package blogdown is much more convenient. In an R console, the following lines install the package along with the current version of Hugo:


Then, the usage is very simple. From the root of the repository,


renders the web and launches a local preview. Moreover, each time a file is modified, the web is updated automatically. Once the job is done, simply run


Refer to the official documentation for further details.

R Markdown rendering

R Markdown documents must be pre-rendered, either into .md or directly into .html. Then, both the .Rmd + .md or .html shall be contributed. This can be done directly from a plain R console using the packages knitr and rmarkdown. But again, we recommend using the RStudio IDE, which automates this task.

Note that other packages may be needed to support chunks in other languages (e.g., reticulate for Python, JuliaCall for Julia, Rcpp for C++…).

Managing the web repository

This web is hosted on GitHub, so a GitHub account is required to fork the repository, commit the draft and open a pull request. For further details about GitHub and git usage, refer to the tutorial Version control systems for researchers.