
An introduction to Shiny II

This is our second session introducing Shiny, an R package that allows to develop interactive Apps in a familiar framework for regular R-users. During the first session we focused on the structure and workflow basics, and now, we will go further on input and output objects, reactivity, layouts and data handling. All these functionalities will be reviewed by product of developing a Shiny App. It will provide the grades to our students and, at the same time, they will be able to explore the data set by interacting with the App.

An introduction to Shiny as a teaching resource

The main goal of this session is to show a regular R user how to develop his/her own interactive (web) application without much effort. For doing so, we introduce the Shiny R package that makes this task simple even for an R programmer that has never heard about HTML, CSS or JavaScript (or does not care about them at all). During the session, we will develop from scratch an interactive app that illustrates the law of large numbers.