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Mastering R presentations

Mastering R presentations


Do you want to know how to make elegant and simple reproducible presentations? In this talk, we are going to explain how to do presentations in different output formats using one of the easiest and most exhaustive statistical software, R. Now, it is possible create Beamer, PowerPoint, or HTML presentations, including R code, LaTeX equations, graphics, or interactive content.

After the tutorial, you will be able to create R presentations on your own with R Markdown in RStudio. But don’t worry if you don’t know a lot of R Markdown, because it’s really simple to use it with RStudio and you will discover the keys to master the language.

Room 7.3.J06. Campus de Leganés, Av. de la Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain.


  • Basic knowledge of R (install version 3.5+)
  • Basic knowledge of LaTeX
  • RStudio
  • install.packages(c("ggplot2", "htmlwidgets", "knitr", "rmarkdown"))

About the speaker

Paula is Data Scientist at Telefónica and she is passionate about data, innovation, and technology. She was graduated in Statistics at Universidad de Valladolid in 2015 and she finished her Master’s degree in Applied Statistics at Universidad de Granada the next year. Now, she is PhD Student in Economics and collaborates in research areas of Stochastic Optimal Control and Dynamic Games. She also was a lecturer and final project advisor at several universities in the recent years.